For those of you who want to make missions of your own CCMAP is the only tool worth using, it makes designing missions so much easier, it has a simple user friendly interface and for those of you not familiar in triggers, celltriggers and waypoints CCMap makes it really simple. CCMAP is quick to load and uses the command & conquer mix files to their full ability. You can design desert, winter and temperate maps and add structures and units to them with a click of the mouse.

For new users of CCMAP I will briefly explain triggers (briefly) -

A trigger is a command that triggers something in the game, when you have created your map with CCMAP you must then lay down parameters to which the game must follow, you do this by creating a trigger.

TRIGGERS are laid out this way



This is an actual trigger that will make GDI win when they have destroyed all off their opponents

Win=All Destr,Win,0,Badguy,none,0

To create this trigger in CCMAP go to "edit" and choose triggers and then select create new trigger. For further information on triggers go to Trents command & conquer gold page and view or download the mission building FAQ.

I would encourage new users to pay the registration fee because of all the mission builders  for c&c this is the best.

CCMAP Mission Builder

for anyone who needs support please visit the official CCMAP support site at Click Here to enter